Website Manager

Annapolis Soccer Club Annapolis, Maryland


  • Have fun, learn skills, and keep the children coming back.
  • The more fun you have coaching and playing with the kids, the more fun they will have, and the more they will want to learn and compete. A couple of my best players have taken a season or two to come out of their shells. Encourage them and give them a chance to succeed. Many of our coaches are new to coaching and to soccer, but at this young age, enthusiasm is the only prerequisite. Almost all of our coaches, new and experienced, comment on how rewarding the experience is. ASC will pay for ASC coaches to take coaching courses as well as offer some brief local coach training sessions. We would like all of our coaches to get the coaching help they need.
  • The U4 children will need to learn everything (from the purpose of whistles, to no pushing, to no hands).NO GOALIESFOR ALL U4-U7 games. Both team's coaches on the field. ASC does not keep scores and team records.
  • Ideally, the U4-U7 games should evolve into 4 versus 4 situations as the season moves on. For Saturday games, each team will divide into two groups to play two concurrent games against the opposition team (which has also divided into two groups). This promotes maximum playing time for each child. Small sided games allows each child to touch the ball more and more goal scoring. But keep in mind your roster size, giving all children adequate playing time, and the weather.NO GOALIES. Both coaches on the field. Try to encourage players not to hang around the goals. Also if you have a defensive minded player, occasionally put them in an offensive situation. ASC does not keep scores and team records.
  • Both coaches will be on the field providing coaching and referree supoort.Lets keep the atmosphere positive and collegial.ASC does not record game scores or keep standings. The purpose of these game-like situations is exposure, notperfection.We have all season to get it right. In the fall the players will become U8s and will have referees and the coaches will be off the field.
  • Remember, the kids, referees and parents are your neighbors and likely future team members.
  • All children MUST wear shin-guards
  • Safety:AnnapolisSoccer Club Clinic is not a drop off sport. Coacheswill requirethat a parent or responsible adult be attending for each child. If a parent must leave, the parent must get another parent to cover this responsibility. Get your parents involved in the drills and activities.
  • All coaches and assistant coaches must get a background check
  • Rosters are final after the age group meetings just prior to the season start. Please e-mail (then call if they don't respond to e-mail) all of your players immediately after the coaches meeting.
  • You will likely get more players due to late entries. Coaches, you may not add children to your roster without receiving Annapolis Soccer Club approval. ASC is happy to accommodate all player additions as space allows.
  • Each U4-U7 child gets a ball and a team T-shirt (distribute these at the first game/practice). Please put each child's name on his/her ball. (Asking children to color their balls will reduce confusion and save time during practices, as well as prevent loss.) Don't put players names on the balls until the child shows up (saves balls from cancellations/no-shows and allows for correct spellings/nicknames).
  • Each U4-U7 team will get a set of "Pugg" pop-up goals, cones, and practice pinnies. (Pick a pinnie color that is contrasting to your shirt color.) This equipment must be returned on last game date. The Pugg goals have plastic tent spikes that readily break. Please "pre-drill" holes in the ground with a screwdriver. Submerge spikes to avoid injury. Remove broken spikes to avoid injury.
  • Don't allow litter. Please self-police your teams. We are lucky to get the fields we get, lets not lose them. How about assigning a clean-up family as well as a snack family.
  • Please see me or your peers for ideas. Remember, drills and games that provide the most touches of the ball per child should be stressed. Try to avoid too many drills with lines.
  • With the help of one of our coaches, ASC has filled the “Coaches Corner" with some great age specific training ideas.
  • There are plenty of age-specific and task-specific soccer training ideas on the internet .
  • We will have an age-group specific meeting in mid-March or August to dispense equipment and go over objectives for this upcoming season.
  • Please use your best efforts to encourage/promote the parents of your team members to step on the field to help you as coaches and get some experience in that role. With more potential coaches in the future, ASC can make the teams smaller and allow you (and other coaches) to become more productive and give the kids more time with the ball. To help promote the coaching position, each team gets two coaches T-shirts - so pass one out to a likely candidate.
  • You can log in to our secure web site and view your roster.
Good Luck. Thank you for your time and effort.

If you have any questions, please contact ASC at [email protected].

Annapolis Soccer Club

PO Box 5201 
Annapolis, Maryland 21403
Email : [email protected]
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