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Annapolis Soccer Club Annapolis, Maryland



To register, use only the REGISTER NOW button at the bottom of this page.
Do not use any links at the top of this page.


* Team practices begin in mid-March. Team coaches select day, time and location.
* Schedules are determined by the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks. ASC maintains 7v7 fields (U8-U10) and a 9v9 field (U11-U12)  at PAL Park (1025 Bay Ridge Rd, Annapolis, MD 21403) and 7v7 fields at Annapolis High School for its teams to usually have half of its games scheduled at. Other games and older age groups are scheduled elsewhere within Anne Arundel County (e.g. Davidsonville, Broadneck, Pasadena).

* Season start dates: to be confirmed by the County Dpt. of Rec & Parks
     · U12 games are held on Friday evenings. All other age groups play on Sunday afternoons. Rainouts/Make-up games may be scheduled on Saturdays if needed later on in the season
     · Games usually begin in late March/early April.
* Team assignments will be sent out the week of March 10. Please understand that some coaches reach out sooner than others. You will find out which team your child is on when the coach reaches out, starting the week of March 10.

Registration: $140 | Registration closes on Feb. 20 | $25 late fee after Feb. 28

Puma uniform kit (for those who are not re-using their uniform from the fall 2024 season): +$25
* Uniforms from this past fall season only can again be re-used for the spring season. If you did not previously purchase an Annapolis Soccer Club Puma uniform kit for that season, or need a new one, you will need to purchase one at the subsidized cost of $25 ($165 total with registration). During registration, be sure to list the correct size needed. The uniform kit (jersey, shorts, socks) is yours to keep.

Optional - Last name on the back of the jersey: 
* New Orders for Spring 2025 - If you would like your child's last name on the back of the jersey, select this option on the checkout screen. Only the last name on the registration form will be used (i.e. no nicknames). Last names on the back of the jersey are optional/not required.
* Fall 2024 jerseys - If you are re-using a Fall 2024 jersey that does not have a name on the back and would like to now add a last name, you may bring your jersey to the Soccer Post store in Annapolis and have it added for $7. Jerseys should be dropped off no later than March 1st to ensure that it is returned prior to the start of the season. ASC is not involved in this transaction. Soccer Post is located at 17 Lincoln Court, Annapolis, MD 21401 | (410) 263-3300.

* Following registration, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, re-visit the registration site to complete the registration. Incomplete registrations will not be processed. Please check over all info carefully to ensure that your child is placed in the correct age group. 

Age Group Info for Spring 2025
Age groups are based on birth year (not by school grade):

* U8 (2017 birth year)
* U9 (2016 birth year)
* U10 (2015 birth year)
* U11 (2014 birth year)
* U12 (2013 birth year)
* U13 (2012 birth year)
* U14-U15 (2010-2011 birth years)
* U18 (2006-2009 birth years)

Children can play up an age group but not down. If you wish to have your child play up (e.g. keep siblings together on the same team), select the higher age group during registration and use the coach/friend request area to include that info as well. 

Coach/friend requests – be sure to enter this info during registration, using the full name of the coach/friend. Please note that efforts are made to accommodate as many requests as possible. As Feb. 20 approaches and teams fill up though, it can become more difficult to switch teams. If you are requesting a coach in a higher age group, your child will be moved to that team.

Scholarship info: Email [email protected]

PLEASE CONSIDER COACHING A TEAM! – The Annapolis Soccer Club is 100% made up of volunteers, from the board members to the coaches. The majority of our coaches are parents who started coaching for the first time when their kids started playing. We provide all the equipment needed along with practice plans. In return for coaching, your child’s registration fee is waived and you will receive a coaches polo shirt . You also get to pick the day, site and time that your team practices at and can submit a list of players that you would like placed on your team. Most importantly, by coaching, you help to ensure that every kid who signs up gets to play!
When registering to coach, select "Open" for age group and be sure to include the age group (e.g. Girls U9) that you would like to coach.

Register to Coach >>
Once you have registered, ASC will send you a code to use to register your child at no cost. Please allow a few days for us to  look up your coach registration and send you the registration code. The code is eligible only for the child that will play on the team that you will be coaching.

County Soccer Details

Annapolis Soccer Club forms teams at the U8/U9 level and higher during the Fall and Spring seasons to compete in the AAYSA County (Recreational) Soccer League. We generally have at least 1 team per age group and are able to slot multiple teams in an age group into different divisions. The county league is comprised of similar youth soccer organizations that aim to put players on the playing field.  


ASC relies on parent volunteers to lead our recreational teams. Teams that have multiple parents helping usually yield the most success and enjoyment. Available opportunities as Head or Assistant Coach. The Head Coach will be given instruction on how to structure a practice, sample practice plans and educational opportunities to make it a more enjoyable experience for all!

Please use your best efforts to encourage/promote the parents of your team members to step on the field to help you as coaches and get some experience in that role. With more potential coaches in the future, ASC can make the teams smaller and allow you (and the other coaches) to become more productive and give the kids more time with the ball.


Practice location, day of the week and times are all determined by the Head Coach of the team. Once teams are formed and coaches assigned, coaches are given access to identify and select a practice field of their choice. The older county teams usually practice 2 times per week. The U8-U10 coaches generally practice 1 time per week. 

A county team should expect to have half of their games at "home" (local to Annapolis) and half of their games away (traveling to other organization's fields). Your home field is subject to availability and scheduling feasibility. We will work with the county to do our best but cannot promise home games for all teams due to field limitations. 


ASC reserves the right to cancel an event (game, program, practice, etc.) at any time and without prior notice


The player registration process automatically slots the players by their birthdate to the player's appropriate age group.

Roster maximums consists of the following number per age group:
- Twelve (12) Players for 7v7
- Fifteen (15) Players for 9v9
- Eighteen (18) Players for 11v11
Any number of players over these amounts will require a written waiver prior to the first game of the season


Note that poor field conditions (as determined be ASC) will cancel all games.
Other County organizations are responsible for their home fields.
Games canceled by the county will be updated on the county schedule. 
For practice and game day cancellations, ASC WILL ONLY POST VIA FACEBOOK -


All children MUST wear shin-guards.
Don't allow litter. Please self-police your teams. We are lucky to get the fields we get, let’s not lose them. How about assigning a clean-up family as well as a snack family.

Annapolis Soccer Club

PO Box 5201 
Annapolis, Maryland 21403
Email : [email protected]
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